Review: Tips on how to take care of the tongue:

Tips on how to take care of the tongue:

What is a Tongue?

The Tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth, the tongue contains taste bud, which helps and playsA key role in digestion, taste, breathing and speech. Let’s take a look at the important key words in the definition of Tongue.


Taste buds are located in the tongue, which are clusters of nerve cells that identify dissolved Chemicals in food and drinks.


the tongue the lips and the teeth works together to transform throat sounds into words


Without the tongue we cannot eat because the tongue helps to move food around for chewing and swallowing.


color is vital characteristics or key point. Because a healthy tongue is usually pink, but sometimes the shade can vary. A tongue that is discolored could be a sign of health problem.

Anatomy of tongue:

the tongue is made up of inwards and external muscles and it is covered by A mucous membrane. The upper surface of the tongue is covered in papillae, which are small tissue Nodules that house taste buds

Tips on how to take care of the tongue:

1) Brush your tongue

Brush your tongue for some minutes with your toothbrush in an up-and-down and side-to-side motion. You can start at the back of your tongue.

2) Use a tongue scraper

Gently pull a tongue scraper forward from the back of your tongue to remove mucus.

3) Rinse your mouth

After cleaning your tongue, rinse your mouth with water to remove any remaining bacteria.

4) Drink water

Drinking water helps wash away food and bacteria from your tongue and teeth.

5) Quit smoking

Smoking can permanently damage your taste buds and increase your risk of oral cancer.

6) Visit the dentist

Get routine cleanings and examinations from your dentist.

7) Monitor your tongue’s color

An unusual color change could indicate an infection, allergic reaction, vitamin deficiency etc. The tongue is meant to be pink in nature


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